Solution Manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Borgnakke 9th edition pdf

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دانلود حل المسائل کتاب مبانی ترمودینامیک ویرایش نهم به نویسندگی بورگناک fundamentals of thermodynamics borgnakke 9th edition solution manual
Borgnakke, Claus; Sonntag, Richard Edwin; نویسندگان
 9th edition ویرایش
2301pages صفحات
solution sample file نمونه

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دانلود حل المسائل کتاب مبانی ترمودینامیک ویرایش نهم به نویسندگی بورگناک

fundamentals of thermodynamics borgnakke 9th edition solution manual


نویسندگان: Borgnakke, Claus & Sonntag & Richard Edwin

ترمودینامیک علمی است که در آن مطالعه انتقال حرارت و تبدیل آن به انرژی و برعکس، تبدیل انرژی به حرارت را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. مبانی ترمودینامیک شامل قوانین و اصول اساسی است که برای توصیف رفتار سیستم‌های حاوی ماده و انرژی استفاده می‌شوند. در ادامه به برخی از مبانی ترمودینامیک پرداخته خواهد شد: ebookband

1. قانون صفرم ترمودینامیک: این قانون می‌گوید که اگر دو سیستم در تعادل با یک سومیه، و هر یک از آن‌ها با سومیه سومیه باشد، آنگاه دو سیستم نیز با یکدیگر در تعادل هستند.

2. قانون اول ترمودینامیک (اصل حفظ انرژی): این قانون بیان می‌کند که انرژی در یک سیستم حفظ می‌شود و نمی‌توان آن را از هیچ جایی خلق یا نابود کرد. این قانون به صورت رابطه‌ای بین تغییرات داخلی، گرما و کار در یک سیستم بیان می‌شود.

3. قانون دوم ترمودینامیک: این قانون بیان می‌کند که در یک سیستم عایق شده، اگر فرآیندی اتفاق بیفتد، آنگاه آن فرآیند به سمت افزایش آنتروپی (میزان نظم و ترتیب) سیستم پیش می‌رود. این قانون معادلات و روابطی برای محاسبه آنتروپی و کاربردهای آن در فرآیندهای حرارتی ارائه می‌دهد.

4. قانون سوم ترمودینامیک: این قانون بیان می‌کند که در دما صفر مطلق (-273.15 درجه سانتیگراد)، آنتروپی یک سیستم بلاتکلیفی است و به مقدار صفر میل می‌کند.

این مبانی ترمودینامیک، همراه با معادلات و روابط مختلف، به ما کمک می‌کنند تا فرآیندهای حرارتی را در سیستم‌های مختلف مدلسازی و تحلیل کنیم.

این حل المسائل ویرایش نهم میباشد 2301 صفحه دارد و دارای 250 مگابایت حجم میباشد در این حل المسائل پاسخ فصل ها نوشته شده است. برای مشاهده نمونه بر روی لینک زیر کلیک نمایید.

fundamentals of thermodynamics 7th edition solution manual

download free solution manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics [ 7th + 9th ] edition written by Borgnakke book in pdf format we have retained the basic objective of the earlier editions: to present a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics while retaining an engineering perspective, and in doing so. to lay the groundwork for subsequent studies in such fields as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and statistical thermodynamics, and also.  to prepare the student to effectively use thermodynamics in the practice of engineering. for more solution manual click here.

fundamentals of thermodynamics 7th edition solution manual pdf

We have deliberately directed our presentation to students. New concepts and definitions are presented in the context where they are first relevant in a natural progression. The first thermodynamic properties to be defined (Chapter 2) are those that can be readily measured: pressure, specific volume, and temperature. In Chapter 3 of download free solution manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics [ 7th + 9th ] edition written by Borgnakke book in pdf format , tables of thermodynamic properties are introduced, but only in regard to these measurable properties. Internal energy and enthalpy are introduced in connection with the first law, entropy with the second law, and the Helmholtz and Gibbs functions in the chapter on thermodynamic relations.

fundamentals of thermodynamics borgnakke 7th edition solutions

Many real world realistic examples have been included in the book to assist the student in gaining an understanding of thermodynamics, and the problems at the end of each chapter have been carefully sequenced to correlate with the subject matter, and are grouped and identified as such. The early chapters in particular contain a much larger number of examples, illustrations and problems than in previous editions, and throughout the download free solution manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics [ 7th + 9th ] edition written by Borgnakke book in pdf format, chapter-end summaries are included, followed by a set of concept/study problems that should be of benefit to the students.

fundamentals of thermodynamics 9th edition solutions

For download free solution manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics [ 7th + 9th ] edition written by Borgnakke book in pdf format we have placed concept questions in the text after major sections of material to allow students to reflect on the material just presented. These questions are intended to be quick self tests for students or used by teachers as wrap up checks for each of the subjects covered. Most of these are straightforward conclusions from the material without being memory facts, but a few will require some extended thoughts and we do provide a short answer in the solution manual. Additional concept questions are placed as homework problems at the end of each chapter.

fundamentals of thermodynamics borgnakke 9th edition solutions

We have added a short section at the end of each chapter that we call engineering applications. These sections present motivating material with informative examples of how the particular chapter material is being used in engineering. The vast majority of these sections do not have any material with equations or developments of theory but they do contain pictures and explanations about a few real physical systems where the chapter material is relevant for the engineering analysis and design.

fundamentals of thermodynamics borgnakke 9th edition solution manual

We have deliberately kept these sections short and we do not try to explain all the details in the devices shown so the reader can get an idea about the applications in a relatively short time. For some of the later chapters where the whole chapter could be characterized as an engineering application this section can be a little involved including formulas and theory. We have placed these sections in the end of the download free solution manual of Fundamentals of Thermodynamics [ 7th + 9th ] edition written by Borgnakke book in pdf format chapters so we do not disrupt the main flow of the presentation, but we do suggest that each instructor try to incorporate some of this material up front as motivation for students to study this particular chapter material.

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مشخصات حل المسائل ویرایش نهم:

  • ویرایش: 9th
  • فرمت فایل: pdf
  • حجم: 250MB
  • تعداد صفحه: 2301


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